According to the Energy Information Administration, the average American household spends about $115 per month on electricity, and the typical home’s energy consumption is about 887-kilowatt hours per month. While this number may look different for you and your household, you might be curious about where your money is being spent. In this blog, we break down how to tell what appliances are using the most electricity, as well as how to save money on your energy bills without sacrificing comfort.
Whether you’re looking to rewire your home, or simply install a new light, Lombardi Electric has you covered. Our experienced technicians are proud to provide the residents of Alexandria, LA, with expert residential electrical services, including repairs, maintenance, and inspections. Call us at (318) 545-7575 to hire one of our professional electricians today.
Which Home Appliances Use the Most Electricity?
How much electricity an appliance uses mostly depends on the kind of appliance and how often your home uses it. Unsurprisingly, your refrigerator is going to use more electricity than your toaster, but the lighting in your home could use more electricity than your kitchen appliances, depending on how often you use those things. Below are some of the appliances that use the most energy in an average household.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Your HVAC system is likely using the most electricity out of all of your appliances. On average, central air conditioners and heating systems account for about 45-50% of your home’s total energy consumption.
Water Heating
In a distant second place is your water heating system: your water heater accounts for an estimated 10-15% of your electricity bill. While your water heater uses significantly less energy than your air conditioning system, it still accounts for a significant portion of your home’s electricity usage.

Your home’s lighting system accounts for around 10-15% of your home’s energy bill each month. If you tend to leave certain lights running 24/7, like outdoor security lights or indoor lamps, that percentage may be a bit higher for you.
Kitchen Appliances
Next on the list are kitchen appliances. Kitchen appliances account for approximately 10-13% of a typical home’s energy use each month. Certain appliances, particularly your oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher, make up a majority of that energy consumption.
Other Household Appliances
Other appliances, like your washer, dryer, and TV, take up about 4-8% of your home’s electricity load. While you may not use them every day, your washer and dryer require a lot of electricity when in use, especially if you use hot water when washing your clothes. TVs don’t necessarily require a lot of energy, but yours may be using electricity when it’s in standby mode, and that energy use can add up over time.

Do Home Appliances Use Electricity Even When They’re Plugged in But Turned Off?
Yes, your appliances may be using electricity even when not in use. When you leave something plugged in when it’s not in use, it can consume and waste energy. On average, power consumption from appliances that are not in use can account for around 5-8% of your home’s monthly electricity costs.
Can Faulty Wiring Impact Electric Costs?
Yes, your home’s energy consumption may be due in part to faulty wiring. Damaged wires can heat up and consume extra energy, wasting energy before it even makes it to your appliances or devices. In addition to increasing your energy bill, that residual heat can also become a fire hazard, which can be costly and incredibly dangerous.
If you’re experiencing electrical problems like frequent outages and surges, or your circuit breaker trips more often, you may want to call a professional to take a look at your home’s wiring. At Lombardi Electric, we offer electrical safety inspections to the residents of Alexandria, LA, as well as those living in the surrounding areas. We can find and repair wiring issues before they cause you problems. Call us at (318) 545-7575 to schedule repairs with us today
How to Determine Exact Energy Usage of Home Appliances
In order to pinpoint which appliances actually account for the most energy usage in your home, you may need to do a home energy assessment, or an energy audit. This can help identify the energy consumed by each of your appliances, as well as identify problem areas that could be contributing to your monthly energy costs, like a lack of insulation or the presence of air leaks. Professional electricians may use an electricity usage monitor, infrared camera, blower door test, and carbon monoxide detector to help determine where your electricity is going and how much of it is being wasted.

Tips to Reduce Home Energy Consumption
While it may be hard to cut down on how much energy you use on appliances like your air conditioner or electric oven, there are plenty of other ways to reduce your energy usage and lower your electricity bill. You can make your home more energy efficient by switching to renewable energy sources, unplugging appliances when they’re not in use, and being mindful of your energy consumption.
Solar Panels
As you probably already know, utilizing renewable energy sources like solar panels can decrease your monthly electricity bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Solar panels can have a high initial cost, but tax rebates and other incentives can help decrease that initial cost. Additionally, solar panels in Louisiana tend to pay for themselves in about 14 years and can last 25 to 30 years.
Another good way to use solar energy to reduce your electrical costs is by replacing your current water heater with a solar water heater. Since water heaters require so much energy, reducing just that portion of your electricity bill can make a noticeable difference in your energy costs.
Use Energy Efficient Appliances With a Good Energy Star Rating
Another good way to lower your electricity usage is by installing appliances with an Energy Star rating. Energy Star-certified electronics require less energy to do the same things as normal appliances, reducing how much electricity you use each month.
While most modern appliances are Energy Star certified, you should check to see if your washer and dryer, dishwasher, electric oven, and microwave have the Energy Star sticker on the front. If not, you may want to replace it with something more energy efficient when it comes time to replace it.
Unplug Appliances
You can also save energy by unplugging appliances and electronic devices when they are not in use or actively charging. As we’ve discussed, appliances that are plugged into an outlet can be drawing in residual energy and wasting power, so unplugging these devices can help decrease how much energy your home uses on a regular basis.
Use Power Strips
Unplugging all of your devices and plugging them back in when you need them can be a hassle. Luckily, things like power strips can help prevent your devices from drawing in power when on standby. This can help make your appliances more energy efficient without having to remember to unplug things like phone chargers, laptop chargers, lamps, and other frequently-used devices.
Monitor Electricity Usage
Being mindful of your energy usage can also help lower your electricity costs. Since air conditioners and heaters use the most energy out of all of your appliances, you can try to limit your AC usage when you’re away from home or when the weather is nice enough to open windows. Speaking of windows, you can open your curtains and blinds during the day and use natural light rather than lamps and overhead lights.
You can also reduce energy usage by using cold water to wash your clothes, or by engaging in energy-free entertainment activities like board games and card games. Another good way to save money is by ensuring your appliances are running at optimal efficiency, and scheduling electrical repairs as soon as you detect a problem.

Call Lombardi Electric Today
If you want to make your home more energy efficient and save on energy bills, call Lombardi Electric today. In addition to residential electrical services, we also provide commercial electrical services and can help you reduce your business’s energy costs. Call us today at (318) 545-7575 or contact us online to schedule repairs, inspections, and more.